The Oral Presentations will take place in the Lecture Hall of the Faculty of Biology. Posters will be located in the Entrance Hall of the same building. Coffee breaks will be also in the Entrance Hall.


Oral Presentations

    Oral presentations are limited to 15 minutes, including 10 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of discussion. Chairs of sessions will be asked to strictly adhere to the published schedule, so please keep your talk to 10 minutes. The Lecture Hall will be equipped with a laptop PC linked to a data projector for Power Point Presentations. The computer is fitted with CD drive and USB ports. The preferred format for presentation willl be therefore a Powerpoint file in PC format, brought to the meeting either on a CD or a Pen drive. Mac users were asked to convert their Powerpoint file to PC format, or to ensure that their file was readable by a PC running the system specified above. If your presentation includes videos or special animations, we recommend that you preview it (in breaks, after sessions, etc) to ensure that there are no problems with the view.


Poster presentations

    All posters will be on display in the Entrance Hall for all the duration of the Congress. Each poster will be allocated a Poster Number, which will be listed on this website, and will be also in the Abstract book. The maximum dimensions for posters are 70 cm wide x 100 cm high. Posters should be mounted from 14:00 to 18:30 (13th September) or from 8:00-9:30 (14th September).