NEW: Pictures of the meeting.
The First Joint International Meeting between the American
Mathematical Society and the Real Sociedad Matemática Española
was held in
Seville (Spain) on June 18-21, 2003 The Conference
program has six invited talks,
Special Sessions, and a session
for "contributed
papers". The Meeting will take place in the
Escuela Técnica Superior de
Ingenieros Industriales of the
Universidad de Sevilla. For more detailed information about the congress
structure, please click on the General Information
Sponsors:Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad de Sevilla, Secretariado de recursos audiovisuales y nuevas tecnologías, Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucía, Springer-Verlag, Elsevier, Addlink, Walter de Gruyter, Oxford University Press, Grupo promotor del IMUS, Real Academia Sevillana de Ciencias, Patronato del Real Alcázar, Ayuntamiento de Sevilla, Carranco Márquez.