The Iberian Mathematical Meeting is a joint event of the Real Sociedad Matemática Española (RSME) and the Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática (SPM). It aims at bringing together Spanish and Portuguese mathematicians in order to develop mathematical research for the future.
Former editions of the Iberian Mathematical Meeting were held in Lisbon (2007), Badajoz (2008), Braga (2010), Valladolid (2012), Aveiro (2014), Santiago de Compostela (2016) and Évora (2018).
Following the tradition of previous meetings, the event is structured around three main scientific areas. In this edition, the scientific areas are:
- The mathematics of information
- Calculus of variations
- Computational Algebra and Applications
In addition to the plenary conferences, specific sessions for these three areas will be held with invited speakers as well as a poster session (submissions are welcome!).
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is a pleasure to invite you to participate in the 8th Iberian Mathematical Meeting, to be held on October 5-7, 2022 at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Seville, Spain.
In these pages we will update all the information about the Congress and its development. We appreciate your help in disseminating this information to get together a large number of Portuguese and Spanish participants. Of course all mathematicians of any other nationality interested in sharing with us these days are welcome.
We look forward to seeing you in Seville.

Marta Casanellas
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Wenceslao González-Manteiga
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Paulo Mateus
Universidade de Lisboa

José Matías
Universidade de Lisboa

Delfim F. M. Torres
Universidade de Aveiro

M. Pilar Vélez
Universidad Antonio de Nebrija
The mathematics of information (MI) - Seminario I
- María Balanzó Juandó (ICFO Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona)
- Simeon Ball (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
- Ángela Capel Cuevas (Universität Tübingen)
- Ignacio Cascudo (Instituto IMDEA Software)
- Francisco Lima Andrade (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa)
- María Isabel González Vasco (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
- Albert Guillén (Cambridge University and Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
- Edgar Martínez-Moro (Universidad de Valladolid)
- Diego Napp (Universidad de Alicante)
- Carles Padró (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
- Carla Ràfols (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
- André Souto (Universidade de Lisboa)
- Raquel Pinto (Universidade de Aveiro)
Calculus of variations (CV) - Seminario II
- Ricardo Almeida (Universidade de Aveiro)
- Begoña Barrios (Universidad de La Laguna)
- Ana Cristina Barroso (Universidade de Lisboa)
- José Carlos Bellido (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
- Leonardo Colombo (Centre for Automation and Robotics (CAR) CSIC-UPM)
- Luís Machado (Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro)
- Eduardo Martínez (TBC) (Universidad de Zaragoza)
- Natália Martins (Universidade de Aveiro)
- Alejandro Ortega (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
- César Rodrigo (Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal)
- Magdalena Rodríguez (Universidad de Granada)
- Eugenia Rosado (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
- Nicolas Van Goethem (Universidade de Lisboa)
- Dmitry Vorotnikov (Universidade de Coimbra)
Computational Algebra and Applications (CAA) - Salón de Actos
- Jorge Almeida (Universidade do Porto)
- Patricio Almirón (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
- Wolfram Bentz (Universidade Aberta, Portugal)
- José Brox (Universidade de Coimbra)
- Manuel Delgado (Universidad do Porto)
- Luis José Santana (Universidad de la Laguna)
- Xabier García Martínez (Universidad de Vigo)
- Herwig Hauser (Universität Wien)
- Mikolás Janota (Czech Techical University)
- Ricardo Mamede (Universidade de Coimbra)
- Duarte Ribeiro (Centro de Matemática Computacional e Estocástica)
- Josué Tonelli-Cueto (INRIA Paris)
- María Ángeles Zurro (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Registration period
- Tuesday: from 16:00 to 19:00 at the Institute of Mathematics (IMUS).
- Wednesday: from 9:00 to 10:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00 at IMUS.
Opening Ceremony of the 8th Iberian Mathematical Meeting
Will take place at the Portuguese Consulate , Avenida del Cid, nº 1 41004 Sevilla.
See the map here. See the historical video here.
Coffee break
Morning Plenary Talk (Portuguese Consulate)
José Matías - abstractLunch
Afternoon Parallel Sessions
- Raquel Pinto (MI) - abstract (Seminario I)
- Leonardo Colombo (CV) - abstract (Seminario II)
- Luis José Santana (CAA) - abstract (Salón de Actos)
Afternoon Parallel Sessions
- Edgar Martínez-Moro (MI) - abstract (Seminario I)
- Cesar Rodrigo (CV) - abstract (Seminario II)
- Mikolas Janota (CAA) - abstract (Salón de Actos)
Coffee break
Afternoon Parallel Sessions
- Maria Balanzó-Juandó (MI) - abstract (Seminario I)
- José Carlos Bellido (CV) - abstract (Seminario II)
- Ricardo Mamede (CAA) - abstract (Salón de Actos)
Afternoon Plenary Talk
Maria Pilar Vélez - abstractMorning Plenary Talk
Paulo Mateus - abstractMorning Parallel Sessions
- Ignacio Cascudo (MI) - abstract
- Dmitry Vorotnikov (CV) - abstract
- Jorge Almeida (CAA) - abstract
Morning Parallel Sessions
- Carla Rafols (MI) - abstract
- Alejandro Ortega (CV) - abstract
- Duarte Ribeiro (CAA) - abstract
Coffee break
Morning Parallel Sessions
- Diego Napp (MI) - abstract
- Nicolas Van Goethem (CV) - abstract
- José Brox (CAA) - abstract
Morning Parallel Sessions
- Maria Isabel González Vasco (MI) - abstract
- Eduardo Martinez (CV) - abstract
- Xabier García (CAA) - abstract
Morning Parallel Sessions
- Carles Padró (MI) - abstract
- Ana Cristina Barroso (CV) - abstract
Official Photo: at the main entrance IMUS
Afternoon Parallel Sessions
- Simeon Ball (MI) - abstract
- Ricardo Almeida (CV) - abstract
- Herwig Hauser (CAA) - abstract
Afternoon Parallel Sessions
- Albert Guillén (MI) - abstract
- Begoña Barrios (CV) - abstract
- Josué Tonelli (CAA) - abstract
Afternoon Parallel Sessions
- Natália Martins (CV) - abstract
- María Ángeles Zurro (CAA) - abstract
Coffee break and Poster session
Afternoon Plenary Talk
Marta Casanellas - abstractPoster session
Social dinner
Restaurant Blanca Paloma calle San Jacinto, 49, Sevilla
Morning Plenary Talk
Delfim Torres - abstractMorning Parallel Sessions
- Francisco Lima Andrade (MI) - abstract
- Eugenia Rosado (CV) - abstract
- Wolfram Bentz (CAA) - abstract
Morning Parallel Sessions
- Ángela Capel (MI) - abstract
- Luís Machado (CV) - abstract
- Patricio Almirón (CAA) - abstract
Coffee break
Morning Parallel Sessions
- André Souto (MI) - abstract
- Magdalena Rodríguez (CV) - abstract
- Manuel Delgado (CAA) - abstract
Morning Plenary Talk
Wenceslao González-Manteiga - abstractClosing Ceremony of the 8th Iberian Mathematical Meeting
Farewell Lunch
Scientific committee

María E. Alonso
Complutense University of Madrid

Francisco Castro
University of Seville

Gabor Lugosi
Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona

Natália Martins
University of Aveiro

Yasser Omar
University of Lisbon

Pablo Pedregal
University of Castilla La Mancha

Pedro Quaresma
University of Coimbra
Parallel Sessions
Organizers of parallel sessions
The mathematics of information:

Pedro Adao
Universidade de Lisboa
Oriol Farrás
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Calculus of variations:

Maria Barbero
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Ana Margarida Ribeiro
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Computational Algebra and Applications:

António Malheiro
Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Ignacio García-Marco
Universidad de La Laguna
Organizing committee

María Ángeles Japón (Chair)
University of Seville

Anna Doubova
University of Seville

Ramón Flores
University of Seville

Federico Perea
University of Seville

Justo Puerto
University of Seville

Antonio Rojas
University of Seville
Location info and gallery
Seville, Spain
Institute of Mathematics of the University of Seville (IMUS)
Celestino Mutis building, first floor
Campus de Reina Mercedes
Practical Information
- Residencia Universitaria Rector Estanislao del Campo (15 minutes walk to IMUS)
To request a reservation, please contact the following email address with your arrival and departure days:
Phone: +34 955 062 480. Avda. Ctra. de su Eminencia, 2A – Seville. - Hubr Xior Stdent Residence Seville (10 minutes walk to IMUS)
To request a reservation, please send the .pdf form (click here to download it) to - Colegio Mayor Hernando Colón (5 minutes walk to IMUS)
To request a reservation, please contact the following email address
Phone: +34 954 296 799 C/ Sor Gregoria de Santa Teresa, 20, 41012 – Seville. - Hotel Silken Al-Andalus (10 minutes walk to IMUS)
Phone: +34 954 230 600 Avda. de la Palmera s/n, esq. C/ Paraná. 41012. Seville. - AC Hotel Ciudad de Sevilla (10 minutes walk to IMUS)
Phone: +34 954 230 505 Avda. Manuel Siurot, 25 41013 Seville. - Exe Sevilla Palmera Hotel (15 minutes walk to IMUS)
Phone: +34 955 518 500 Cardenal Ilundain, 28 Seville 41013 Spaine. - NH Plaza de Armas hotel (20 minutes by Bus Nº 3 to IMUS)
Phone: +34 954 901 992 Marqués de Paradas, s/n, 41001 Sevilla Spain.
How to arrive
- Airport: Sevilla-San Pablo Airport is about 10 km far from the city center. The most convenient ways to get to Sevilla is either by bus or by taxi.
- By bus: One way trip is 4,00 Euros.
- By taxi: You can see the fares here.
- Train: Sevilla has good rail links to Barcelona, Cádiz, Córdoba, Jaén, Jerez de la Frontera, Granada, Huelva, Madrid, and Málaga. The fast–track AVE railway line provides a 2h 30min connection to Madrid every hour. For more information you can go to the train company website:
Sevilla–Santa Justa train station is connected to the city center by local bus lines C1, C2 and 32. Red painted city buses are the predominant public transportation. Information about bus lines at Transportes Urbanos de Sevilla (TUSSAM): 955 479 000 or at their web page You can get a map here. - Intercity buses: There are two bus stations with bus services to most of the main cities in Spain:
- Prado de San Sebastián bus station : 954 417 111.
- Plaza de Armas bus station. : 954 908 040.
- Local Buses: Red painted city buses are the predominant public transportation. Information about bus lines (and tramway line) at Transportes Urbanos de Sevilla (TUSSAM): 955 479 000 or at their web page
You can get a one trip ticket (1,40 Euros) directly from the driver (from the machines in the tramway shelters) but it is cheaper if you buy a rechargeable travel card (they can be bought at most magazine stores you find in sidewalks all around the city):- 6,40+1,50€ for the one–trip travel card (called "tarjeta sin trasbordo").
- 7,00+1,50 Euros for the multiple–connections travel card (called "tarjeta con trasbordo").
- Taxi: A usual taxi fare from north to south of the city center is around 8 Euros:
- Radio–Taxi Giralda: 954 675 555.
- Radio–Taxi: 954 580 000.
- Tele–Taxi: 954 622 222.
List of posters
Authors willing should send to an abstract of their contribution, with no more than 1 page, by July 20, 2022. The Scientific Committee will decide on the proposals before July 25, 2022.
- "Clustering with semidefinite programming",
Esther Arribas García (Universidad Carlos III) - "Trees, Derangements, And Non-Intersecting Paths",
Emmanuel Briand , Luis Esquivias Quintero, Álvaro Gutiérrez Cáceres, Adrián Lillo Pinto, Mercedes Rosas (Universidad de Sevilla) - "Geometrical methods to aggregate finite fuzzy sets",
Maria Jesús Campión (Universidad de Navarra) - "Customized graphical authentication schemes arisen from fractal images based on Latin squares",
Víctor Álvarez, José Andrés Armario, Raúl M. Falcón , María Dolores Frau, Félix Gudiel, María Belén Güemes (Universidad de Sevilla) - "Computational statistical analysis of access structures in secret sharing schemes based on Latin squares with non-trivial autotopisms",
Manuel González , Raúl M. Falcón, María Dolores Frau (Universidad de Sevilla) - "The Graph(S) Of Reduced Words Of A Permutation ",
Gonçalo Gutierres (University of Coimbra) - "Some Families Of Optimal (R, Δ)-Locally Recoverable Codes",
H. Martín-Cruz (Universitat Jaume I) - "On the generators of the value semigroup at infinity associated to a curve with only one place at infinity",
Carlos Galindo, Francisco Monserrat, Carlos-Jesús Moreno-Ávila , Julio-José Moyano-Fernández (Universitat Jaume I) - "Extension To Hirzebruch Surfaces Of Planar Polynomial Vector Fields. A Necessary Condition For Their Algebraic Integrability",
Carlos Galindo, Francisco Monserrat, Elvira Pérez-Callejo (Universitat Jaume I) - "Maximum rank-distance profile codes",
Raquel Pinto, Carlos Vela (University of Aveiro)
Open now
The registration fee includes the documentation of the congress, coffee breaks and lunches during the three days, and social dinner.
In order to be eligible for the student rate, you must send a scanned copy of a document proving this status to
Payment should be made by bank transfer or deposit including in the concept "NAME + 8IMM", to the following account:
- Bank: Banco de Santander
- Account holder: Fundación de Investigación de la Universidad de Sevilla
- IBAN: ES91 0049 5854 3521 1608 5245
- Bank postal address: Avda. Felipe II, nº 5, 41013 - Sevilla, SPAIN
You will receive a confirmation email once you submit your answers. To conclude the registration process, you must forward that email, together with a copy of the bank transfer or deposit, to
Additionally, should an invoice with the registration payment be required , please include in the previous email all the necessary information: name, address, CIF, NIF or Tax Id.
Once this payment is made, please fill in the following form: