
This third edition aims to extend the fields of action involved in the development of an ecological and sustainable society from all the areas of knowledge. That is why the theme set for the IIIrd CICSE 2017 makes a clear reference to all parts involved thar have something to contribute to reach these common goals:

"Sustainable development and  rehabilitation in architecture, urban planning and engineering"

Preserving both PRINCIPAL AIMS of the previous edition:

To obtain an overview of the environmental problems that arise from the construction activity, focusing on refurbishment as an alternative to the current crisis in theconstruction sector, as well as on actions designed to minimize environmental effects on the environment.

To offer training for professionals and technicians on alternative solutions with new materials, considering eco-efficiency, which minimize environmental impact and can be incorporated into their own designs and buildings.

Sustainable Renovation of Buildings and Neighbourhoods, the proper management of construction and demolition waste and the opportunities for their recycling and reuse will be taken into consideration in this block; as contributing to minimize the consumption of natural resources for the manufacture of construction products and the environmental impact caused by the dumping of construction waste.
Minimizing the consumption of material resources, energy consumption and CO2 emissions in construction through environmental impact indicators.
Sustainable planning and urban development, for an ordered and sustainable growth.
Energy efficiency, actions of the processes of energy consumption that can contribute to the energy saving and efficiency of primary energy consumption and to optimize the energy demand of the facility, equipment or energy consuming systems, pursuant to Royal Decree 56/2016 of 12 February.
Sustainable engineering, optimization and eco-efficient improvement of facilities, structures, systems and industrial processes that are part of the contemporary construction.
Eco-economy, by means of the viability of proposed eco-efficiency through the knowledge of their optimal costand amortization.
Architecture and society, the social implications of architecture for building a sustainable model.
Sustainable building, new thematic topic for this congress edition. Built projects that incorporate mechanisms to improve the sustainable development of the construction.