The aim of CATMI2011 is to gather researchers dealing with the study of algebraic-topological information from the computational point of view, and/or who want to use it in medical image applications. The workshop intends to provide an opportunity for participants, from different fields related to not only computational algebraic topology and image processing but also computer science engineers working in medical image research and medical imaging enterprises to exchange ideas. Experiences of this kind are especially important for young researchers who are launching their research careers. It is also pretended to act as a catalyst for creating new collaborations, and starting new interdisciplinary projects.
To achieve this goal, invited speakers and participants are encouraged to submit to the Poster Track. Recent but yet unpublished results, reports on research in progress (WIP), thought-provoking or controversial work and recently published results can be submitted. We especially encourage submissions from students. Of course, works related to medical image applications using topological information are particularly welcome. Mathematical topics of the workshop, all related to medical image processing applications, include: computational algebraic topology, computational topology, computational geometry, discrete geometry, topological dynamical systems, geometric modeling with topological control and graph theory. Contributions will be selected by the Poster program committee based on a abstract submitted through the Poster submission website EASYCHAIR.

For accepted posters, its associated 2-page abstract will also be published on the website, unless authors prefer otherwise. The poster will be presented during the poster session at the conference. Accepted posters will be reviewed by members of the PC, to ensure maximum quality.
Submissions must include title, author names and affiliations, a note indicating which authors (if any) are students, and an indication of who would present the poster. Submissions can be at most 2 pages long, with a text block of maximum 6.5 x 9 inches (16.5 x 22.9 cm), font size of minimum 10pt, and at least 12pt leading. Submissions that do not conform to these requirements will be rejected.
Selected posters will be published in a special issue of the e-journal IMAGEn-A (ISSN: 1885-4508).