The Conference will be held at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Sevilla (Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla – IMUS), located on the Reina Mercedes Campus, in Celestino Mutis building.
The registration will take place at the entrance of the building, and the conference room is on the ground floor. There will also be a room on the first floor at your disposal for working or discussing.
Coffee breaks will be also at the entrance of the building, and daily lunches (four days -except wednesday) will be given in the Cafeteria in Facultad de Matemáticas, a yellow building close to the conference building. Both coffee breaks and daily lunches are included in the fee.
Eduroam is working in the campus. If your institution is included in the Eduroam net, you can access with your username and password. There is also a special network for the conference. More info about how to connect will be given on request.

There is a Telegram channel, where you can find useful information about events around the conference.
It is also possible to contact the organizers through this channel, in case you need it.
You can join the channel with this QR code, or here.