**Registration perios is closed now**
The conference fees are the following:
Early registration (until May 18th, 2018) | Late registration (May 19th to June 15th, 2018) | |
Regular registration | 150€ | 200€ |
Young researcher* | 80€ | 120€ |
These fees cover the attendance to all sessions, conference material, coffee breaks, lunch tickets, and the conference dinner.
*Young researcher includes Postdoc, Doctoral, Master, Bachelor or equivalent (should provide a proof: advisor contact/address, registration in a master/doctoral program, … )
Click here to proceed to the registration form
To formalize the registration, it will be necessary the payment of the fee (this can be made after the contribution has been accepted).
Payment should be made by bank transfer, including in the concept “NAME+DMD2018”, to the following account:
Bank: Banco de Santander
Account holder: Fundación de Investigación de la Universidad de Sevilla
IBAN: ES91 0049 5854 3521 1608 5245
Bank postal address: Avda. Felipe II nº 5, 41013 Sevilla, SPAIN
To conclude the registration process, it is necessary to send copy of the transfer by email to acti2-imus@us.es
The organization will issue receipt of payment to all participants. If official bill is desired, please indicate so in the email to acti2-imus@us.es