**Submission period is closed**
For every accepted submission one of the authors must attend the conference.
The following are the accepted talks and posters of the conference.
• Simeon Ball and Bence Csajbók. On Segre’s Lemma of Tangents
• Javier Cilleruelo, Oriol Serra and Maximilian Wötzel. Set systems with distinct sumsets
• David Grynkiewicz. Iterated Sumsets and Olson’s Generalization of the Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv Theorem
• Tobias Müller and Marc Noy. The first order convergence law fails for random perfect graphs
• Juanjo Rué, Dimitrios Thilikos and Vasiliki Velona. Structure and Enumeration of K4-free links and link diagrams
• Óscar Iglesias-Valiño and Francisco Santos. The complete classification of empty lattice 4-simplices
• Alberto Espuny Díaz and Oriol Serra. Entropy versions of additive inequalities
• Shunsuke Nakamura, Yoshimi Egawa and Keiko Kotani. Edges incident with a vertex of degree greater than four and a lower bound on the number of contractible edges in a 4-connected graph
• Mariusz Grech and Andrzej Kisielewicz. Cyclic Automorphism Groups of Graphs and Edge-Colored Graphs
• Juanjo Rué and Christoph Spiegel. On a problem of Sárközy and Sós for multivariate linear forms
• Luis Boza, M. Pastora Revuelta and M. Isabel Sanz. A general lower bound on the weak Schur number
• Alfredo Hubard and Arnau Padrol. Stabbing convex subdivisions with k-flats
• José Aliste-Prieto, José Zamora and Anna de Mier. On graphs with the same restricted U-polynomial and the U-polynomial for rooted graphs
• Guillermo Esteban, Clemens Huemer and Rodrigo Silveira. New results on production matrices for geometric graphs
• Jie Han, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa and Yury Person. Near-perfect clique-factors in sparse pseudorandom graphs
• Pietro Codara and Ottavio M. D’Antona. Dyck-Eulerian digraphs
• Encarnación Abajo, Camino Balbuena and Manuel Bendala. Elliptic semiplanes and regular graphs with girth 5
• Gonzalo Fiz Pontiveros, Roman Glebov and Ilan Karpas. Virtually Fibering Random Right-Angled Coxeter Groups
• Aida Abiad. A characterization of weight-regular partitions of graphs
• Andrew Vince and Michael Barnsley. Self-Similar Polygonal Tiling
• Atsuhiro Nakamoto, Gen Kawatani, Naoki Matsumoto and Jorge Urrutia. Geometric quadrangulations on a polygon
• Mario Huicochea. Sums of finite subsets in R^d
• Yulia Kempner and Vadim Levit. Krein-Milman Spaces
• Mariusz Grech and Andrzej Kisielewicz. 2-closed abelian permutation groups
• Marthe Bonamy, Nicolas Bousquet and Guillem Perarnau. Frozen colourings of bounded degree graphs
• Pedro Martín and Diego Yáñez. Some clustering algorithms in normed planes
• Xavier Molinero, Fabián Riquelme and María Serna. Satisfaction and Power in Unanimous Majority Influence Decision Models
• Jesús Lacalle and Luis Miguel Pozo Coronado. Variance of the sum of independent random variables in spheres
• Bart Litjens, Sven Polak, Bart Sevenster and Lluís Vena. On the chromatic number of a subgraph of the Kneser graph
• Jan Bok and Jaroslav Nešetřil. Graph-indexed random walks on pseudotrees
• Rui Duarte and António Guedes de Oliveira. Hyperplane arrangements: between Shi and Ish
• Justo Puerto, Federica Ricca and Andrea Scozzari. Some results on the reliability of multiple path-shaped facility location on networks
• Justo Puerto and Moisés Rodríguez-Madrena. A discretization result for some optimization problems in framework spaces with polyhedral obstacles and the Manhattan metric
• Javier Rodrigo and Mª Dolores López. An improvement of the lower bound on the maximum number of halving lines in planar sets with 32 points
• Carlos Marijuán and Miriam Pisonero. On spectra of weighted graphs of order $\leq 5$
• Vadim Levit and Eugen Mandrescu. Graph Operations Preserving W2-Property
• Eiran Danan, Raúl Falcón, Dani Kotlar, Trent Marbach and Rebecca Stones. Two-line graphs of partial Latin rectangles
• Santiago Canales, Irene Castro and Gregorio Hernández. Combinatorial bounds on paired and multiple domination in triangulations
• Rocío González-Díaz, Miguel A. Gutiérrez-Naranjo and Eduardo Paluzo-Hidalgo. Representative datasets for neural networks
• Nieves Atienza, Rocío González-Díaz and Manuel Soriano-Trigueros. A new entropy based summary function for topological data analysis
• Konstantinos Papalamprou. On characterizing the extreme points of the generalized transitive tournament polytope
• Víctor Álvarez, José Andrés Armario, María Dolores Frau, Félix Gudiel, María Belén Güemes, Elena Martín and Amparo Osuna. GA Based Robust Blind Digital Watermarking
• Elena Cabrera Revuelta, María José Chávez and Alberto Márquez. The Fortress Problem in Terms of the Number of Reflex and Convex Vertices. A 3D objects scanning application
• Silvia Gago. Kirchhoff index of the connections of two networks by an edge
• David Iglesias López. On the discrete Brunn-Minkowski inequality by Gradner&Gronchi
• Omar Alomari, Mohammad Abudayah and Torsten Sander. Integral Free Form Sudoku graphs
• Carmen Hernando, Mercè Mora, Ignacio M. Pelayo, Liliana Alcón and Marisa Gutierrez. Neighbor-locating coloring: graph operations and extremal cardinalities
• Stephan Dominique Andres, Helena Bergold and Raúl Falcón. Autoparatopism stabilized colouring games on rook’s graphs
• Snježana Majstorović, Martin Knor and Riste Škrekovski. Graphs preserving total distance upon vertex removal
• José Manuel Jiménez Cobano and José María Ucha Enriquez. Finding multiplies solutions for non-lineal integer programing
• Jesús Lacalle and Laura N. Gatti. Extended Lagrange’s four-square theorem
• Yannis Manoussakis and Hong Phong Pham. Maximum colorful independent sets in vertex-colored graphs