This EURO PhD School (EPS) will focus on giving participants advanced training on Data Driven Decision Making. There will be a methodological as well as an applied component to this EPS. Methodological training on the role of Mathematical Optimization in Data Science will be given in the format of lectures and computer workshops. The lectures will highlight the mathematical and statistical modeling and numerical optimization behind data analysis and data visualization tools. The computer workshops will make this knowledge actionable. Applications of the acquired knowledge to the modeling of specific industrial problems will be presented by professionals from industry and worked out by the PhD students. Mathematical and statistical models and numerical solution approaches will be developed and communicated, following a collaborative approach, in which the PhD students will work in small groups under the guidance of the instructors. The training of the EURO PhD School on Data Driven Decision Making and Optimization is eligible for 5 ECTS.
Institute of Mathematics of the University of Seville
June 13-22, 2022
Confirmed Speakers

Daniel Herrero
Director of the mathematical optimization and ML area at decide4AI, Spain

Laust Hvas Mortensen
University of Copenhagen & Statistics Denmark, Denmark
The final version of the program can be found here Download the pdf
Scientific committee

Prof. Bart Baesens
Faculty of Economics and Business of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Prof. Emilio Carrizosa
Institute of Mathematics of the University of Seville, Spain

Dr. Vanesa Guerrero
Department of Statistics of the University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain

Dr. Belén Martín-Barragán
Business School of the University of Edinburgh, UK

Emilia Martínez Serrano
Repsol Technology Lab, Spain.

Dr. Dario Pacino
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Dr. Federico Perea Rojas-Marcos
University of Seville, Spain

Mr. Nils Ploug
Director of Social Statistics at Statistics Denmark, Denmark

Prof. Dolores Romero Morales
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Prof. Richard Weber
University of Chile, Chile
Organizing committee

Dr. Víctor Blanco
Institute of Mathematics of the University of Granada, Spain

Dr. Rafael Blanquero
Institute of Mathematics of the University of Seville, Spain

Prof. Emilio Carrizosa
Institute of Mathematics of the University of Seville, Spain

Dr. Antonia Castaño
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Cádiz, Spain

Prof. Dolores Jiménez Gamero
Institute of Mathematics of the University of Seville, Spain

Dr. Salvador Pineda
Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Malaga, Spain

Dr. Pepa Ramírez Cobo
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Cádiz, Spain

Dr. Alfonso Suárez Llorens
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Cádiz, Spain
Location info and gallery
Seville, Spain
Institute of Mathematics of the University of Seville
Celestino Mutis building, first floor
Avenida de la Reina Mercedes
With the support of
This PhD School has been financed in part by EURO, DORS, SEIO, ECMI, math-in, Copenhagen Business, Universidad de Sevilla, and research projects EC H2020 MSCA RISE NeEDS (Grant agreement ID: 822214), FQM-329, US-1381178 (Proyectos I+D+i FEDER Andalucía), P18-FR-2369 (Junta de Andalucía, Spain) and PID2019-110886RB-I00 (funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, Spain). This support is gratefully acknowledged.