20th European Workshop on Computational Geometry.March 24-26, 2004 Seville, Spain |
Invited Talks (abstracts available from Preliminary Program) | Authors | |
Combinatorial Geometry for TV Audiences | Jin Akiyama | |
Some Stamps on Combinatorial Geometry | Ferran Hurtado | |
Structure in Visibility Graphs | David Rappaport | |
Accepted Papers (papers available from Preliminary Program) |
Authors |
3D realization of two triangulations of a convex polygon |
S. Bereg |
A certified conflict locator for the incremental maintenance of the Delaunay graph of semi-algebraic sets |
F. Anton |
A completion of hypotheses method for 3D-geometry. 3D-extensions of Ceva and Menelaus theorems |
E. Roanes-Macías, E. Roanes-Lozano |
A quadratic distance bound on sliding between crossing-free spanning trees |
O.Aichholzer, K. Reinhardt |
A simple and less slow method for counting triangulations and for related problems |
S. Ray, R. Seidel |
Approximate Distance Oracles for Graphs with Dense Clusters |
M. Andersson, J. Gudmunsson, C. Levcopoulos |
Approximate Range searching using binary space partitions |
M. de Berg, M. Streppel |
Balanced intervals of two stes of points on a line or circle |
A. Kaneko, M. Kano |
Competitive search ratio of graphs and poligons |
R. Fleischer, T. Kamphans, R. Klein, E. Langetepe |
Computing the convex hull of disks using only their chirotope |
L. Habert, M. Pocchiola |
Computing the Fréchet distance between piecewise smooth curves |
G. Rote |
Computing the Hausdorff distance between curved objets |
H. Alt, L. Scharf |
Curvature criteria to fit curves to discrete data |
L. Alboul, G. Echeverria, M. Rodrigues |
Defining discrete Morse functions on infinite surfaces |
R. Ayala, L. Fernandez, J. Vilches |
Distributed ranking methods for geographic information retrieval |
M. van Kreveld, I. Reinbacher, A. Arampatzis, R. van Zwol |
Farthest-point queries with geometric and combinatorial constraints |
O. Daescu, N. Mi, C. Shin, A. Wolff |
Finding a door along a wall with an error afflicted robot |
T. Kamphans, E. Langetepe |
Finding a widest empty 1-corner corridor |
J.M. Díaz-Bañez, M.A. López, J.A. Sellarès |
Finding planar regions in a terrain |
S. Funke, T. Malamatos, R. Ray |
Geometric data structures for multihierarchical XML tagging of manuscripts |
J. Jaromczyk, N. Moore |
Geometric dilation of closed planar curves: A new lower bound |
A. Ebbers-Baumann, A. Grüne, R. Klein |
Guarding art galleries by guarding witnesses |
K. Chawa, B. Jo, C. Knauer, E. Moet, R. van Oostrum, C. Shin |
Improved results for the k-centrum straight-line location problem |
A. Lozano, J. Mesa, F. Plastria |
Lower bounds for the polygon exploration problem |
R. Hagius, C. Icking, E. Langetepe |
Maximizing the area of overlap of two unions of disks under rigid motion |
M. de Berg, S. Cabello, P. Giannopoulos, C. Knauer, R. van Oostrum, R. Veltkamp |
Maximum weight triangulation of a special convex polygon |
J. Qian, C. Wang |
Minimum number of different distances defined by a finite number of points |
A. Albujer, S. Segura Gomis |
Minimun weight pseudo-triangulations |
J. Gudmundsson, C. Levcopoulos |
New bound for incremental constructing arrangements of curves |
M. Abellanas, A. Calatayud, J. García-López |
New lower bounds for the number of straight-edge triangulations of a planar point set |
P. McCabe, R. Seidel |
On fencing problems |
C. Miori, C. Peri, S. Segura Gomis |
On geodesic and monophonic convexity |
C. Hernando, M. Mora, I. Pelayo, C. Seara |
On geometric properties of enumerations of axis-parallel rectangles |
K. Vyatkina |
On rectangular cartograms |
M. van Kreveld, B. Speckmann |
On relative isodiametric inequalities |
A. Cerdán, C. Miori, S. Segura Gomis |
On the number of pseudo-triangulations of certain point sets |
O. Aichholzer, D. Orden, F. Santos, B. Speckmann |
Optimal spanners for axis-aligned rectangles |
T. Asano, M. de Berg, O. Cheong, H. Everett, H. Haverkort, N. Katoh, A. Wolff |
Optimizing a 2D function satisfying unimodality properties |
E. Demaine, S. Langerman |
Partitioning orthogonal polygons by extension of all edges incident to reflex vertices: lower and upper bounds on the number of pieces |
A. Bajuelos, A. Tomás, F. Marques |
Planar embeddability of the vertices of a graph using a fixed point set is NP-hard |
S. Cabello |
Point set stratification and minimum weight structures |
M. Abellanas, M. Claverol, F. Hurtado |
Pointed encompassing trees |
M. Hoffmann, B. Sechmann, C. Tóth |
Quadratic-time, linear-space algorithms for generating orthogonal polygons with a given number of vertices |
A. Tomas, A. Bajuelos |
Region inter-visibility in terrains |
M. van Kreveld, E. Moet, R. van Oostrum |
Similarity search in semialgebraic pattern spaces |
C. Knauer |
Smoothed number of extreme points under uniform noise |
V. Damerow, C. Sohler |
Space-efficient geometric divide-and-conquer algorithms |
P. Bose, A. Maheshwari, P. Morin J. Morrison, M. Smid, J. Vahrenhold |
Straight line skeleton in linear time, topologically equivalent to the medial axis |
M. Tanase, R. Veltkamp |
The minimum Manhattan network problem approximations and exact solutions |
M. Benkert, T. Shirabe, A. Wolff |
The siphon problem |
J.M. Díaz-Bañez, C. Seara, I. Ventura |
Triangulations without pointed spanning trees |
O. Aichholzer, C. Huemer, H. Krasser |
Two Optimization problems with floodlights |
A. Spillner |
Unfolding simple chains inside circles |
M. Eskandari, A. Mohades |
Using symmetry evaluation to improve robotic manipulation performance |
P.Sanz, S. Dabic, R. Marin |
Verification of partitions of 2D and 3D objets |
L. Palios |
Warping cubes: better triangles from marching cubes |
L. Tzeng |