Dr. Miguel Ángel Calleja Hernández


Hospital Pharmacist and Head of Pharmacy in University Hospital Virgen Macarena, Seville, Spain

Email: mangel.calleja.sspa@juntadeandalucia.es

Website: https://www.hospitalmacarena.es/entrada-blog/equipo-farmacia/

Dr. Miguel Ángel Calleja Hernández, Pharmacy Degree (2001) and Hospital Pharmacist Specialization (2000), got his PhD in Pharmacy (2001) at the University of Granada. Since then, he has worked as Hospital Pharmacist in Hospital Infanta Margarita (2000-2002), University Hospital Reina Sofía (2002-2005) and University Hospital Virgen de las Nieves (2005-2016). Currently, he is Head of Pharmacy in University Hospital Virgen Macarena, Sevilla (Spain). He has been Postgraduate Lecturer (2001-2016) and Associated Lecturer in Pharmacology Department (2008-2016) y and Nursing Degree (2010-2016) at the University of Granada.

He was Teaching Director in Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy (SEFH) (2008-2012), Vicepresident of SEFH (2011-2015) and President of SEFH (2015-2019). He is also a member of different Committees (Regional Therapeutic Committee in Andalusia and secretary of local therapeutic Committee during the last 15 years, EAHP Steering Committee from 2020, International Accreditation Committee ASHP from 2020).

He was coordinator of Pharmacotherapeutic Guide in Andalusia from 2004 until 2008. He has performed Therapeutic Assessment for: Andalusian Reference Formulary (2000-2010), Andalusian Health Technology Agency, Spanish Medicine Agency (from 2011), Pharmacy Plan in Andalusia (from 2009), Nacional Health Ministry (from 2012). In addition, he has participated in First Clinical Risk-Sharing programs for more than 35 different drugs (oncology, biologic drug, among others) in Spain.

He has been supervisor of 51 doctoral lecturer PhD (Value-based health care, innovative drugs, real world data, infectious diseases, drug selection, pharmacotherapy follow-up, drug safety, pharmacogenetic). He is Main Researcher in 17 research projects and has published 105 recent papers in Medline y indexed journals: European Journal of Cancer, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacy Word Science, Plos One, Cancer Treatment Reviews and Hospital Pharmacy, among others.