Conference material, certificate of the paper and a possible publication of the paper in the Conference’s Minutes Book is included in the conference fee. You must bear in mind that the presentation of the paper in this conference does not guarantee its later publication, this will be double-blind peer-reviewed. Additionally, some of these papers can be chosen for a monographic publication. We will contact you if this is the case. The Proceedings of this conference will be published in digital format.


TRANSFER* or in WELCOME DESK: 140€ (no more than 3 authors: +0€) | two papers, 170€

*It is mandatory in case you ask for a conference’s invoice with fiscal code.  For further information, contact us via email at mediaethics@us.es with the following data: NAME OF BENEFICIARY, ADDRESS, FISCAL CODE.

Dinner on the 29th of March, 2019: +35€


Please, do follow the following steps (all the same for the 2 modalities) and make sure you pay the conference fee before filling out the registration form.

1.- Pay the fee or make a bank transfer in the Banco Santander, including:

1.1.- Código 211, 5 MEDIAETHICS

1.2.- Add you surname and your name.


Eurozone – IBAN: ES95 0049 2588 7024 1425 0158

Internacional – SWIFT | BSCHESMM – IBAN: ES95 0049 2588 7024 1425 0158 or at the Welcome Desk.

2.- On-line registration:

Copy-paste these questions onto an email and let us know:

2.1.- Name and suname:
2.1.1.- Email:
2.1.2.- Affiliation:

2.2.- Name of your proposal:

2.2.2.- Do you accept your paper to be published?

2.3.- In case you are sharing the authorship, same data.

2.4.- Transfer proof in pdf, attach to an email with these data to mediaethics@us.es.

Thank you.

We will wait for you at the Welcome Desk.

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