Conference on Non-autonomous and Stochastic Dynamical
Systems June 22nd - 26th, 2009 In Honor of Peter E. Kloeden on the occasion of his 60th birthday |
A list of hotels is available here.
Please, for more information and to make your reservation, you may contact Raquel Partida (ATI Viajes).
Scientific Committee:
Tomás Caraballo (Universidad de Sevilla)
Jack K. Hale (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Peter Kloeden (Universidad
de Frankfurt)
Juan J. Nieto (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
Sylvia Novo (Universidad de Valladolid)
David Nualart (Kansas State University, USA)
José Real (Universidad de Sevilla).
George R. Sell (University of Minnesota, USA)
Neil S. Trudinger (The Australian National Univeristy, Australia)
Local Organizing Committee:
María Anguiano Moreno (Universidad de Sevilla)
Tomás Caraballo (Universidad de Sevilla)
María José Garrido (Universidad de Sevilla)
Pedro Marín-Rubio (Universidad de Sevilla)
Antonio M. Márquez-Durán (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla)
José Real (Universidad de Sevilla)
Luis Felipe Rivero Garvia (Universidad de Sevilla)
In addition to the invited
plenary lectures, a limited number of short talks and posters can be presented.
If you intend to
participate in the conference and give a talk or present a poster, please send
us by e-mail an
abstract according to the following model by March 31st, 2009 (please submit both a *.tex and a *.ps or *.pdf file).
Timetable distribution of contributed talks
(ordered by speaker's surname)
. Ait DadsExistence of Positive Almost Periodic or Ergodic Solutions for Some Neutral Nonlinear Integral Equations
Francisco Balibrea
On a non-autonomous difference equation related to a Poincaré map
Arno Berger
Finite-time hyperbolicity revisited
Peter Brune
Inertial Manifolds for Stochastic Partial Di®erential Equations with Dynamical Boundary Conditions
Jose S. Cánovas
On the dynamics of discrete nonautonomous systems
V. Ayala, Fritz Colonius, W. Kliemann, A.J. Santana
Topological conjugacy for linear and affine-linear flows and control systems
Cinzia Elia, Roberta Fabbri
Rotation number and exponential dichotomy for linear nonautonomous Hamiltonian systems: theoretical and numerical aspects
A. Champneys, Jorge Galán, M. Truman
Combination resonance in parametric systems: application to the garden hose problem
Giovanni Colombo, Michal Feckan, Barnabas M. Garay
Multivalued perturbations of a saddle dynamics
Michael Högele
Metastable behaviour for a SPDE with heavy tailed noise for small intensity
Thorsten Huels
Computing Sacker-Sell spectra in discrete time dynamical systems
Arnulf Jentzen
Taylor expansions for stochastic partial differential equations
Raphael Kruse
Two-sided error estimates for stochastic one-step methods of higher order
Joao Lopes-Dias
Reducibility of quasi-periodically forced circle flows
Thomas Lorenz
Differential inclusions in metric spaces
J. Ferrer, M. D. Magret, J. R. Pacha, M. Peña
Stratification and Bifurcation Diagrams of Bimodal Piecewise Linear Dynamical System
Alexander Makarenko
Some models and solutions of hydrodynamics with memory and nonlocality effects
P. E. Kloeden, P. Marín-Rubio, J. Real
Pullback attractors for a reaction-diffusion equation in a non-cylindrical domain
Francisco Morillas-Jurado, José Valero-Cuadra
The kneser property of reaction-diffusion systems and its discretizations on unbounded domain
Jerzy Motyl
Set valued methods in stochastic control
Arne Ogrowsky
Space-time discretizations for random dynamical systems generated by SPDEs and their applications
P.E. Kloeden, Raffaella Pavani
About syncronization of noisy dissipative nonautonomous and random systems
F. Martínez-Giménez, P. Oprocha, A. Peris
Distributionally chaotic shift operators and full scrambled sets
Joanna Petela
Average conditions for extinction in nonautonomous Kolmogorov systems
Christian Pötzsche, Martin Rasmussen
Towards an Applicable Nonautonomous Bifurcation Theory
Martin Rasmussen
Bifurcations of random maps with bounded noise
Aníbal Rodríguez-Bernal
Pullback and forwards behavior of nonautonomous Lotka- Volterra systems
Juan J. Nieto, Rosana Rodríguez-López
Upper and lower solutions method for fuzzy differential equations
Antonio Suárez
The sub-supertrajectory method. Application to the nonautonomous Lotka-Volterra models
A. Fonda, A.J. Ureña
Periodic, subharmonic, and quasiperiodic oscillations under the action of a central force
P.O. Kasyanov
Noncoercive evolution inclusions for Sk type operators
S. Jagodzinski, A. Olek, K. Szczepaniak
Inner obstacle problems: Convergence of the solutions for impediments with varying domains
S. Jagodzinski, A. Olek, K. Szczepaniak
Generalization of the Fucik-Kufner result
S. Jagodzinski, A. Olek, K. Szczepaniak
Applications of the generalization of the Fucik-Kufner result to the obstacle problems
J. A. Conejero, A. Peris, M. Trujillo
Chaotic behavior of the hyperbolic heat transfer equation
Registration and Deadlines:
Pre-registration forms should be sent to us by e-mail by January 31st, 2009.
Abstracts for oral communications or posters should be submitted by March 31st, 2009.
Acceptance of the talk or poster will be sent to the participants by April 20th, 2009.
We will offer a number of grants to young researchers who do not have enough funding to attend to the conference and which will cover the registration fee and, if possible, the accommodation in a high school.
The conference will take place at the FACULTAD DE MATEMÁTICAS which is located in the Campus Reina Mercedes
(see maps in this page).
The registration desk will be open from 8.30 am on June 22, 2009, and will be classroom 04 on the ground floor of the Faculty.
The conference will start at 9.35 am. The lecture room for the plenary lectures is Classroom 02. The parallel sessions will take place in classrooms 02 and 03, while classroom 04 will be considered as a meeting point for the participants to discuss etc. The posters can be exhibited during the conference in some panels which will be set at the entrance of the classrooms 0.2-0.4
Lunches on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday will be at Restaurante Jamaica at 13.45. Please be punctual since the
afternoon sessions will start at 16.00. This restaurant is located at
Street Jamaica 16 41012
On Monday evening, just after the afternoon session we will have a Welcome Cocktail at the Cafeteria of the Facultad de
Finally, on Friday we will have a Closing cocktail (again at the Cafeteria of the Facultad de Matemáticas) just after
Peter's talk.
For those participants who are accomodated at the Colegio Mayor Hernando Colon, they have to know that the check-in
starts at 12.00 on your arrival day, and the check-out has to be done by 10.00 am. The address of this high college
is the following:
Street Sor Gregoria de Santa Teresa s/n (this means without
number) 41012-Sevilla
The grants have already been awarded.
Please, visit the Social Events section for more information.
Access to Internet during the meeting will be in the Computer Sciences building (the white one, in front of Mathematics), Módulo H on the ground floor
LABORATORIO 1 (from Monday 22nd to Friday 26th, from 9:00am to 19:00pm, except
Tuesday 23rd, that will be from 12:00 to 19:00pm)
LABORATORIO 5 (Tuesday 23rd, from 9:00am to 12:00)
Additionally, if you have your own laptop, you can use wire-less connection in the Campus but need to have installed EDUROAM. If you do not have it, please contact the organizers.
In the maps below we have marked some important locations. For instance, the buildings where the talks will be given, the High College Hernando Colón, the hotel Al-Andalus, and the Facultad de Matemáticas.
Al-And: Al-Andalus Hotel
FM: The conference place, sited in the Campus of Reina Mercedes, the Faculty of Mathematics
HC: Residence high college Hernando Colon
JAM: Jamaica Restaurant
To be announced.
Timetable/June |
22nd, Monday |
23rd, Tuesday |
24th, Wednesday |
25th, Thursday |
26th, Friday |
8:30-9:35 |
Registration |
9:35-9:45 |
Opening |
Obaya |
Valero |
Grüne |
9:45-10:30 |
Johnson |
Alsedà |
Stuart |
Palmer |
Efendiev |
10:30-11:00 |
coffee break |
coffee break |
coffee break |
coffee break |
coffee break |
11:00-11:45 |
Sanz Serna |
Nieto |
Artstein |
Nualart |
Oliva |
11:45-12:30 |
Latushkin |
Langa |
Arrieta |
Rocha |
Carvalho |
12:30-13:15 |
Ortega |
Sell |
Excursion Jerez |
Poetzsche |
Kloeden |
13:15-16:00 |
lunch |
lunch |
lunch |
closing cocktail |
16:00-16:25 |
Balibrea/Berger |
Motyl/Makarenko |
Rguez-Bernal/Rguez-López |
16:25-16:50 |
Cánovas/Lopes |
Magret/Rasmussen |
Suárez/Colonius |
16:50-17:15 |
Garrido/Fabbri |
Rguez-Bellido/Ureña |
Morillas/Pavani |
17:15-17:40 |
Galán/Garay |
Ait Dads/Petela |
Peris |
17:40-18:10 |
coffee break |
coffee break |
18:10-18:35 |
Marín-Rubio/Jentzen |
Högele/Kruse |
18:35-19:00 |
Brune/Huels |
Ogrowsky/Lorenz |
Opening cocktail |
Banquet |
This Conference aims to be a second edition of the conference NSDS05 held in Seville in 2005.
The Conference focuses on
recent advances on topological methods, ergodic
theory and new developments for non-autonomous and/or stochastic dynamical
systems. It is greatly encouraged the connections between the theoretical
results and applications to real systems modeled by
(ordinary and partial) differential equations, as well as stochastic and
functional equations.
On Wednesday we will have an excursion to Jerez. The bus will depart at 13.30 and we will have lunch once we get to Jerez (Restaurante Tendido 6). Afterwards, we will visit a wine factory (Bodegas Pedro Domecq), where we will be offered to try and taste several kinds of wine and/or brandys.
On Thursday night (at 22.00) we will enjoy the Conference Banquet at the restaurante LA RAZA which is
located in the Parque de Maria Luisa just in front of the Plaza de España whose address is
Avenida Isabel la Católica 2, 41013 Sevilla
(jpg) Map of the city
Seville–San Pablo Airport. Phone: 954 449 000. Iberia
General information Phone: 902 400 500.
Airport bus Phone: 902 210 317.
Seville has good rail links
to Barcelona, Cádiz, Córdoba, Jaén, Jerez de la
Frontera, Granada, Huelva, Madrid, and Málaga. The fast–track AVE railway line
provides a 2h 30min connection to Madrid every hour.
Sevilla–Santa Justa
train station is connected to the city center by bus
lines C1, C2 and 32.
Intercity buses
There are two bus stations with bus services to most of the main cities in
Spain. Prado de San Sebastián
bus station Phone: 954 417 111. Plaza de Armas bus
station Phone: 954 908 040.
Local buses
We will provide you with a bus guide when you register at our conference. Now
we will describe you some points about the public transportation in the city.
Orange painted city buses (new buses are painted red) are the predominant
public transportation.
Information about bus lines at Transportes Urbanos de Sevilla (TUSSAM)
Phone: 954 420 011.
You may also visit their web page.
It is cheaper if you buy a Multijourney card
with 10 tickets (Bonobus). This card allows you
to change bus within one hour without spending another ticket.
Radio–Taxi Giralda Phone: 954 675 555; – Radio–Taxi
Phone: 954 580 000; –Tele–Taxi — Phone: 954 622 222.
Taxis fares are regulated
by the City Hall. Taxis should charge a fixed amount in any trip from/to the Airport
to any location in the city, according to the following schedule:
Diurnal: Monday to Friday, from 6:00 am to 22:00 pm:
20.70 Euros
Nocturnal and Holidays: Monday to Friday (from 22:00 pm
to 6:00 am), Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays (all day): 23,08 Euros
They must not charge
you any additional amount from the airport to the city for luggage.