Logistic Considerations (Last Minute News: Registering, Social Dinner, Certificates,...)
In order to generate the certificates is necessary to have in advance all the data from the presenters and the attendants.
If you plan to attend the workshop RADFAC 2017, please send us an email to the address radfac2017@us.es containing the name, the institution that you belong to, and if you need a certificate of attendee or presenter, or both!.
Registration desk is open on 30th March at 8:00 in front of the Conference Room
Please send your email before 27th of March
Social event:
At "Rio Grande" Restaurant, on 29th of March at 20:30.
It is sited at c/Betis s/n close to "Plaza de Cuba" and "San Telmo's" bridge
Google Maps link:
For March 30th, extra event
"Pickea" Restaurant:
"Kiosko Hombre de Piedra" Restaurant: