Call for papers

The Higher Technical School of Seville, University of Seville, and the Architectural Constructions I Department is pleased to invite researchers and construction agents to the IIi International and V National Congress on Sustainable Construction and Eco-Effi cient Solutions, which will take place on 2017 in Seville.

The objectives of the congress are to get an overview of the environmental problems that arise from the construction activity, focusing on rehabilitation as an alternative to the current crisis in the construction sector, as well as actions designed to minimize environmental effects on the environment, training for professionals and technicians on alternative solutions with new materials, considering eco-efficiency, which minimize environmental impact and can be incorporated into their own designs and buildings.
TOPICS for this new edition:

 Sustainable Renovation of Buildings and Neighbourhoods.
 Minimizing the consumption of material resources.
 Sustainable planning and urban development.
 Energy efficiency.
 Sustainable engineering.
 Architecture and society.
 Sustainable building.

DEADLINE for completed abstract submission: 11 September 2016.

IMPORTANT: To prepare and submit your paper, please verify the instructions section.