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Subject ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
The 8th Congress will have the leitmotif Vegetation and Fauna Systems in littoral environments. Progress in characteristics, dynamics and criteria for its conservancy. This theme deals with herb layers, shrubs and arboreal formations as well as the fauna and natural function processes of the littoral environment. All this means the aim of the Congress. However, and taking into account the traditional participation in these meetings of Ibero-
The 8th Congress accepts two sort of writing scientific contributions:
As new feature in this edition of the Spanish Congress of Biogeography, the Organizing Committee understands as oral communication those who present any discussion about the results obtained; whereas those that expose results of research (results and their analytic and cartographic treatment) will be considered as poster communications. The authors should specify which will be their contribution preference through the Registration Form. However, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to redistribute the sort of communications in order to get a better management of times.
Other activities of the 8th Congress will be a Conference and a round table. There will be two and a half days for the exposition of oral and poster communications, and one day to make a fieldtrip to the DoƱana Natural Space.
Language of the Congress ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Spanish is the official language of the 8th Congress. Nevertheless, oral and poster communications will be allowed in other languages as English, French and Portuguese. The Congress do not consider to offer a translation service.