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Biogeografía de Sistemas Litorales: Dinámica y conservación Download
8th Spanish Congress of Biogeography's Book -
23 September 2014
9:00 Participants reception and distribution of conference materials
16:00 Inauguration of the 8th Congress
17:00 Opening Conference: "Trends in the access, management and dissemination of spatial information in Biogeography"
José Ojeda Zújar, PhD. Department of Physical Geography and Regional Geographic Analysis, University of Sevilla
Session I: Oral communications
Moderator: César Borja
18:00 Dynamics of Tamarix canariensis community in the Maspalomas dune field (Gran Canaria, Canary Islands) Abstract
Hernández, A.I., Pérez-
18:10 Mapping of the spatial distribution of vegetation coverage in sand arids systems: comparative analysis of methods and example in La Graciosa (Canary Islands, Spain) Abstract
García, L., Pérez-
18:20 Vegetal landscape of the Llobregat delta dunes Abstract
Pintó, J., Panareda, J.M., Martí, C.
18:30 Proposal for creation of a network of flora micro-
18:40 Question-
19:00 Characterization of the psammophilous vegetation of a threat dune complex in the province of Malaga Abstract
19:10 Methodology about dynamic of Helianthemum caput-
Padilla, A., Giménez P., Marco, J.A., Sánchez, A.
19:20 The influence of landscape alteration from 1956 to 2007 in the current level of plant invasion of coastal areas Abstract
González, P., Pino, J., Cózar, A., García de Lomas, J., Vilà, M.
19:30 Geobotanical characterization of the El Marqués juniper woodland. Doñana Biological Reserve: geo-
Cámara, R., Díaz del Olmo, F., Borja, C., Recio, J.M., Salva, M., Salvador, F.
19:40 Pedogenesis on eolian litoral sheet of El Abalario-
Recio, J.M., Cámara, R., Borja, C., Díaz del Olmo, F., Borja, F.
19:50 Question-
24 September 2014
Session II: Oral communications
Moderator: José M. Recio
9:00 Effects of desertification in Caatinga vegetation in Paraíba -
Israel de Souza, B., Rodrigues, E., Cámara, R.
9:10 Phytogeographic history of a cloud forest in a coastal massif of the Mediterranean region of Valparaíso. Central Chile Abstract
Quintanilla, V., Mauro, A., Morales, M., Olguín, E.
9:20 Cultural biogeography of the artisanal fishery in Cananéia, South Coast of São Paulo State, Brazil Abstract
Zambuzi, S. B., Rocha, Y. T.
9:30 Proposal for a protected areas network of Brazilwood, Coastal Atlantic Rainforest tree, Caesalpinia echinata Lam -
Rocha, Y.T., Lamarca, E.V., Simabukuro, E.A., Barbedo, C.J., Domingos, M., Figueiredo-
9:40 Question-
10:00 Fauna of São Paulo City, Brazil: data from educational project of Urban Biogeography Abstract
Oliveira, P.P., Rocha, Y.T.
10:10 Ecodynamics regimens and real bioclimatic intensity in the upper Paraiba river – PB, Brazil Abstract
Rodrigues, E., Cámara, R., Israel de Souza, B.
10:20 Characterization of the potential of species in phytogeographical coastal forests to beekeeping in Sergipe, Northeast Brazil Abstract
Melo e Souza, R., Gomes da Silva, E., F. da Silva, M. do Socorro
10:30 Natural landscape units and bioclimatology in sierra de San Carlos (Tamaulipas, México) Abstract
Fernández de Castro, G., Cámara, R., González L., Priego, A., Mora, A.
10:40 Question-
11:00 Coffe-
Moderator: Josep Pintó
11:30 Methodology for the study of Coral Reef Systems with LandSat Satellite images: Cabedelo-
Gómez, C., Cámara, R., Martínez, J.R., Díaz del Olmo, F.
11:40 Characterization of caatinga plant formations in the Carirí, Paraiba, Brazil Abstract
De Lima, R., Cámara, R.
11:50 Biogeographic characterization and distribution of montane cloud forests in East Bahoruco (Dominican Republic) Abstract
12:00 Ethnopharmacological resources in Caatinga ecorregion: Environmental Protection Area (EPA) das Onças (Sao Joao do Tigre, Paraiban Cariri, Brazil): management and handling Abstract
Quílez, A., Vasconcelos, M. CH., Akerreta, S., Quirino, Z.G., Cámara, R.
12:10 Question-
Session I: Posters
Moderator: Bartolomeu Israel de Souza
12:30 Riparian vegetation landscape representation in the fluvial reach of the Tordera River delta (Catalan Coastal System) Abstract
Panareda, J.M., Boccio, M.
12:35 The plant landscape between Playa del Inglés and Vega de Arure (La Gomera. Canary islands) Abstract
Arozena, M.E., Panareda, J.M.
12:40 The landscape vegetation of a Mediterranean coast intensely urbanized. The case of North Maresme (Barcelona) Abstract
12:45 The land plant communities of the Bristol salt marsh (Corralejo, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands) Abstract
Beato, S., Poblete, M.A., Ruiz-
12:50 Spatial patterns of canopy damage in a juniper woodland of the Doñana biological reserve as a consequence of an extreme drought event Abstract
12:55 Phytodiversity of Juniperus turbinata Guss. woodland at Doñana National Park Abstract
Bejarano, R., Romo, A., Salvá, M.
13:00 Functional diversity of Juniperus woodlands on an Oceanic Island: El Hierro, Canary Isles Abstract
Romo, A., Adam Boratyński, A., Salvà, M.
13:05 Mapping of vegetation and environmental units of the eolian mantles of Doñana National Park and Doñana Biological Reserve Abstract
Cámara, R., Gómez, C., Díaz del Olmo, F., Borja, C.
13:10 Distribution Pattern of Sugar Loaf Natural Monument Flora and Its Relationship with Brazilian Rocky Outcrops Abstract
Macedo, L.F.B., Louro, R.P., Andrade, I.F., Santiago, L.J.M.
13:15 Question-
13:30 Lunch
Session III: Oral communications
Moderator: Rosalía Bejarano
16:00 Plant biodiversity and socio-
Padullés, J., Vila, J., Barriocanal, C.
16:10 Assessment of the barrier effect of Andalusian transport infrastructures to movement of wildlife in response to climate change Abstract
Real, R., Márquez, A.L.
16:20 Effects of 2012 wildfire in the landscape of Garajonay National Park Abstract
Arozena, M.E., Panareda, J.M., Figueiredo, A.
16:30 Comparative effectiveness of passive protection for singular plants in the Valencian networks of Plant Micro-
Laguna, E., Fos, S., Jiménez, J.
16:40 Question-
17:00 Urban biodiversity: quality and model indicators for Mediterranean cities calculation Abstract
Boada, M., Sànchez-
17:10 Characterization, inventariation and biogeographic assessment of vegetal landscapes within the region of Collsacabra, Girona Abstract
Lozano, P.J., Meaza, G., Pintó, J., Martí, C., Panareda, J.M., La Roca, N., Arozena, M.E., Bejarano, R., Cámara, R., Rodríguez, E.B., Israel de Souza, B., Boccio, M.
17:20 The landscape catalogue of the Llanada Alavesa. Example of the development of a landscape-
Latasa, I., Lozano, P. J., Cadiñanos, J.A., Meaza, G., Varela, R., Gómez, D. C.
17:30 Question-
Session II: Posters
Moderator: Pedro J. Lozano
18:00 The Natural Park of the Arribes del Duero: analysis and mapping of the landscape units Abstract
Marino, J.L., Poblete, M.A., Ruiz-
18:05 Ecological trends in the Valencian Threatened Flora Abstract
Laguna, E., Ferrer, P.P., Albert, F.J., Escribá, M.C., Ferrando, I., Navarro, A.
18:10 Modeling the distribution of a species (Glis glis Linnaeus, 1766) to predict how climate change might affect it. Comparing CliMond and WorldClim Abstract
García, L., Real, R.
18:15 Study of the spatial distribution of an invasive species, Oenothera Drummondii Hook., in the coastal sand banks of the Juan Carlos I Dock Abstract
18:20 Biogeographic patterns of prokaryotic microorganisms inhabiting shallow lakes from central Spain Abstract
Camacho, A., Rochera, C., Picazo, A., Belenguer, M.
18:25 Realized niche modelling of four sand-
Valdeón, A., Martínez del Castillo, E., Castilla, A.M., Cogălniceanu, D., Saifelnasr, E.O.H., Al-
18:30 Seeds germination of sawtooth sedge Cladium mariscus mediated by mallard Anas plathyrhynchos
as the vector). Case study on the shallow lake Manjavacas (Cuenca, Castilla-
Guijarro, D., Castillo-
18:35 Spatio-
18:40 Question-
25 September 2014
8:00 El Acebrón (Parque Nacional de Doñana) -
26 September 2014
Session IV: Oral communications
Moderator: Neus La Roca
9:00 Foraging movement parameters of the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) using GPS-
9:10 Factors influencing lake selection for nesting by black-
9:20 Inventory, evaluation and geo-
Gómez, D.C., Lozano, P.J., Cadiñanos, J.A., Meaza, G., Latasa, I.
9:30 Fauna in landscape: The case of the coast Abstract
9:40 Question-
10:00 Vegetation and Landscapes tuffaceous Abstract
Fidalgo, C., González, J.A., González, M.J.
10:10 A methodological proposal for graphic representation of vegetation associated with wetlands. Application to volcanic iberian shallow lake Abstract
Gosálvez, R.U.
10:20 Catalan Mountain landscapes: forest dynamics and environmental disturbances associated to fires Abstract
Pèlachs, A., Barrachina, M., Cunill, R., García Amorena, I., García Codron, J.C., Molina, D., Nadal, J., Nunes, J., Pérez Hasse, A., Pérez-
10:30 Mesological and biogeographical characterization of two montane beech forests in the North of the Iberian Peninsula Abstract
Cadiñanos, J.A., La Roca, N., Lozano, P.J., Cámara, R.
10:40 Question-
11:00 Coffe-
Moderator: Víctor M. Quintanilla
11:30 First approach to rainfall trends and future climate scenarios in Doñana. Possible effects on wetland vegetation and ponds Abstract
11:40 Environmental geohystory of pyrenean foothills fir forest (Abies alba Mill.) of Volvestre region (Ariege, MidiPyrenees, France). An interdisciplinary study: documentary sources, pedoanthracology, palynology Abstract
Cunill, R., Métailié, J.P., Galop, D., Poublanc, S., de Munnik, N.
11:50 Question-
Session III: Posters
Moderator: Mónica Aguilar
12:15 Inland populations of Juniperus turbinata in the Guadalhorce river Valley (Malaga, Spain) as indicators of paleobiogeographic relict areas Abstract
Hidalgo, N., Pérez, A. V., Cabezudo, B.
12:20 Relict winter-
Pérez, A.V., Pavón, M., Hidalgo, N., Cabezudo, B.
12:25 Vegetation Mapping in scaling detail (Fuenvellida and Valdeolmeña, province of Guadalajara) Abstract
12:30 Nora and Deva’s riverside willow forests in Priañes and Buelles, Asturias Abstract
Poblete, M.A. Ruiz-
12:35 Addendum to the Raunkiaer’s life-
Laguna, E., Ferrer-
12:40 Distribution of the floating vegetation of “water lilies” in the upper Guadiana river basin (Spain) by means of aerial photo interpretation. Preliminary results Abstract
Gosálvez, R.U., Flores, T.
12:45 Recent dynamics of forest formations in Sierra del Aramo (Central Asturian Mountain) in
relation to socio-
Beato, S., Poblete, M.A., Ruiz-
12:50 Distribution at different scales of Centaurea aspera (2n), C. seridis (4n) y su híbrido C. x subdecurrens (3n) Abstract
Ruiz, P., Garmendia, A., Ferriol, M., Merle, H.
12:55 Geographical phytodiversity in Fuenvellida and Valdeolmeña (province of Guadalajara) using 2×2 km U.T.M cells. Taxonomic and richness analysis Abstract
13:00 Phenology Study of Stone Pine Forest in Western Andalusia by Analizing Modis Images Abstract
Aragonés, D., Díaz-
13:05 Health status of the microbial communities in soils on plains of the Western Caspian Abstract
Zubkova, Т.А., Kotenko, М.Е., Gorlenko, M.V.
13:10 Question-
16:00 Round table: "Conservancy and Management of the Environment"
Fernando Díaz del Olmo. Professor of the University of Sevilla, Department of Physic Geography and Regional Geographic Analysis
Jesús Vozmediano y Gómez-
Javier Castroviejo Bolíbar. Amigos de Doñana Association
Fernando Molina Vázquez. UICN Commision on Protected Areas, Junta de Andalucía
17:30 International Biogeography Society (IBS)
Raimundo Real, Spanish National Responsible for IBS
17:45 Break
18:15 Closing of the 8th Spanish Congress of Biogeography
21:30 Closing Dinner
Official language of the Conference: Spanish
Other accepted languages: English, French and Portuguese