Review - VIII Spanish Congress of Biogeography

23-26 September 2014
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Spanish Congresses of Biogeography 2000-2014

The final number of attendees and scientific contributions of the 8th Congress (2014), when compared to the Spanish Congresses of Biogeography previously organized (Table 1), is above the average and contributions by subject area generally have improved in relation to the papers presented.

Applied biogeography is the area with the highest number of contributions, followed by structural studies of animals and plants communities, dynamic biogeography, chorology and methodological outputs. It is remarkable, however, the large presence of applied works, in contrast to the limited number in new methodologies.

In relative terms, contributions in applied biogeography have slightly decreased while those in structural and dynamic biogeography have increased. Contributions from both structural studies and dynamic biogeography have reached almost 50%, compared to 36% of what was the average of previous congresses, which is indicative of an increase in the research efforts in the field of biogeography.

Table1. Review of the Spanish Congresses of Biogeography 2000-2014:


Congresses 2000-2012

8th Congress-2014

Average number of contributions:


Number of contributions:


Average attendance:


Registered persons:




Contributions by subject area:

Applied Biogeography

153 (49%)

29 (44%)

Structural studies of animals and plants communities

60 (19%)

19 (29%)

Dynamic Biogeography

52 (17%)

13 (20%)


38 (12%)

4 (6%)


6 (2%)

1 (2%)

                                                Source: Rafael Cámara

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