In the last twenty years we have been building a network of scientific interests related to Latin Epigraphic Poetry among the different members of the writing team of CIL XVIII/2 and 3, which we have shared with specialists from other countries.

Miraflores de la Sierra 2002

In 2002, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the publication Inscripciones Hispanas en Verso, by Sebastián Mariner, we thought about the convenience of organising the 1st International Meeting on Carmina Latina Epigraphica (Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, February, 1st-3rd 2002) which gathered, under the format of “discussion workshop”, the most distinguished European specialists. A set of works was presented and discussed from different and complementary points of view (linguistic, literary, metric, epigraphic), which meant an update on certain aspects in the study of CLE, especially those from Hispania.

Tarragona 2004

In view of the results, the Writing Team decided to celebrate periodically this type of scientific meetings. In such context, we organised as well the 2nd International Meeting on Latin Epigraphic Poetry (Tarragona, September, 17th-19th 2004), keeping the basic format (little time for presentations and much more time for discussion among all the participants), with the novelty of introducing different sections, which must regularly change in the future, according to the needs detected.

Valencia 2007

Through these international meetings we have achieved one of the essential goals of the members of the Writing Team CIL XVIII/2, which is making contacts and establishing work relationships with researchers who work on the study of Latin poetry. In order to keep advancing in the investigation and the dissemination of results, we celebrated the 3rd International Meeting, in Valencia, from April, 13th to 15th 2007, keeping the same discussion workshop format.

Sevilla 2011

Finally, in September 2011, the University of Sevilla welcomed the IV International Meeting, dedicated to the researcher Xavier Gómez Font (UV), member of the Writing Team of CIL XVIII/2, died prematurely in 2009.