The Cordovan proportion in the Andalusian Art.

Supported by:

Dpto. de Matemática Aplicada II

Programa de actividades
del IMUS para 2013


Escuela Técnica Superior
de Ingeniería


XV Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry
Sevilla, June 26-28, 2013

Paper Submission
Submission Format

We invite authors to submit extended abstracts of at most 4 pages reporting original research and recent developments in topics related to discrete and computational geometry. An appendix, after the body of the paper, can be added as help for the reviewers but it will not be considered for publishing in the Proceedings.

Papers must be written in English.

Papers must be formatted according to the ECG'2013 style contained in ECG2013-style.rar. The mandatory submission format is PDF.


Submission Server

Submissions should be contributed using the EasyChair system (Submission page on EasyChair). Submissions are due on April 1, 2013, (Anywhere on Earth).

If you encounter any problem with the abstract submission, please send an email to the organizers.


Final Versions

The final versions of accepted papers are due on or before May 30, 2013. It must also use the ECG'2013 style file and it should be contributed using the EasyChair system (Submission page on EasyChair).
The format for the final submission is a compressed file (preferably a .zip or .rar file) containing:

  • The source file (.tex) in LaTeX,
  • the figures in some standard format (.eps, .pdf, .jpg),
  • a .pdf file containing the final version of the paper,
  • any other files used to compose the paper.

The EGC'2013 will not have formal proceedings. A booklet of abstracts, without ISBN number, will be distributed among attendees. In order to guarantee that submissions are in scope and not below basic standards, there will be a limited reviewing process.

The 4-page abstracts of the accepted papers will be made also available electronically through the EGC'2013 website.

For every accepted submission one of the authors must attend the meeting and present the paper there.

  Web design by I. Ventura