General Assembly. Seville.

General Assembly. Seville.

Follow Programme

  • Thursday

    21st September 2023

  • Friday

    22nd September 2023

  • 11.30 h Cultural activity: ‘Coexistence of civilizations’ | Meeting point: Puerta de la Fama (San Fernando, 4, 41004, Seville).

    Guided tour in two groups (Spanish and English) on heritage and local itineraries as a melting pot.

    Itinerary (1 hour tour):

    - Rectorate

    - Jerez Gate

    - Archive of the Indies

    - Royal Alcázar

    - Cathedral

    - Santa Marta Sq.

    - Mateos Gago St.

    - Center for Cultural Initiatives of the University of Seville (CICUS)

    - Old Jewish Quarter

    - Gardens of Murillo

    - Back to the Rectorate

  • 13.30 h Buffet | Rector’s Gallery.

  • 15.00 h Registration of participants | Paraninfo entrance hall.

  • 16.30 h Official opening of the XXIX General Assembly of the CGU | Paraninfo of the University.

    Prof. Dr Miguel Ángel Castro Arroyo, rector of the University of Seville.

    Prof. Dr Marek Kręglewski, president of the Compostela Group of Universities.

  • 16.45 h General Council meeting | Paraninfo of the University.

    1. Reading and approval, if appropriate, of the Minutes of the previous meeting.

    2. Report of the president.

    3. Memberships.

    4. Report of the executive secretary.

    5. Financial reporting.

    Awards of prizes of the Research Pitches Contest.


  • 18.30 h Elections for the Presidency | Paraninfo of the University.

  • 21.00 h Presentation Ceremony of the XXVII International Prize Grupo Compostela-Xunta de Galicia | Paraninfo of the University.
    Gala dinner | Patio de la Fuente of the Rectorate.

COMPOSTELA DIALOGUES IN HIGHER EDUCATION ‘Institutional Networks and Alliances. How to improve the connections’

  • 09.45 h Official opening of the Compostela Dialogues in Higher Education | Paraninfo of the University.

  • 10.00 h Keynote speaker: “The role of university networks in shaping Europe’s Future”

    Prof. Dr Josep Maria Garrell, president of the European University Association.

  • 10.30 h Roundtable: ‘Institutional Networks operating in Latin America. How to improve the connections.

    Moderator: Prof. César E. Gutiérrez Jurado, director for Internationalization and Outreach at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua.

    Proposed panellists:

    - Incoming president of the Compostela Group of Universities (CGU).

    - President of the Ibero-American University Association for Postgraduate studies (AUIP).

    - Delegate of President of Tordesillas Group.

    - Secretary general of Union of Universities of Latin America and The Caribbean (UDUALC).

  • 11.30 h Coffee break| Rector’s Gallery.


  • 12.00 h Official opening of the Compostela Café | Paraninfo of the University.

    Chair: Prof. Dr Antonio López Díaz, rector of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

    Parallel thematic tables:

    ‘European Universities Alliances. How to get synergies’.

    Discussant: Dr Mª Ángeles Heras, deputy assistant director-general for Social, Cultural, Educational, Health and Consumer’s Affairs at the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation.

    ‘Alliances and projects between European and Ibero-American Universities’ | meeting room tbc.

    Discussant:Slavomír Rudenko, Director for International Affairs, Pan-European University

    Conclusions of the Compostela café.

  • 13.30 h Closure of the General Assembly | Paraninfo of the University.

    Conclusions of the General Assembly.

    Prof. Dr Marek Kręglewski

    Presentation of marble shell to the host University

  • 14.00 h Closing lunch | Rector’s Gallery