María Ángeles Heras
Deputy assistant director-general for Social, Cultural, Educational, Health and Consumer’s Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation
Mª Ángeles Heras is currently a Spanish representative member of the Governing Board for the European Commission’s Agency: European Training Foundation (ETF).
Likewise, she is from September 2021, deputy assistant director-general for Social, Cultural, Educational, Health and Consumer’s Affairs, as well as directorate general for the Coordination of Internal Market and other European Policies, also responsible for coordinating European policy initiatives in the fields of Education, Youth, Culture and Sport with the European Council working groups and Permanent Representation.
She has 21 years of experience in the field of education and research in different areas ranging from university level to adult education and vocational education and training.
One of her main areas of expertise is EU student mobility and EU cooperation projects, which she has acquired in different public organisations, such as the Ministry of Universities, Madrid Regional Administration, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
She has coordinated a range of EU innovation projects in the field of education led by Spanish administrations at both regional and national levels in the past years. Also, she has wide experience with the Erasmus + programme, having been responsible for the Mobility Department (Leonardo Da Vinci programme) at the Spanish National Agency (2006-2013).
As part of her previous jobs, she has been a representative member at different European Commission committees, boards and expert groups.
She holds a PhD in Comparative Literature (2000) from the University of Nottingham (United Kingdom) and a BA Hispanic and Latin American Studies (1995) from the University of Barcelona (Spain).