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Visual Attention in Robotics, Combinatorial Structures and Homology

This workshop wants to highlight strong relationships between robotics, combinatory and computational homology. In fact, we are basically interested in it to show a new computational algebraic topology application within the framework of robotics.

We focus our interest in the attention artificial systems, which filter the visual information obtained to detect the most important objects from a scene. The saliency map that detects which regions from the scene are more important can be constructed using a perceptive agrupation process, that will be implemented using a hierarchy structure. To work on the highers levels of this structure keeping all the topological information from the scene, we can use structures based on combinatorial maps. Taking as inputs different low level characteristics (i.e. color contrast, depth or boundaries), the perceptive agrupation process allows to obtain from the video secuence diferent elements or "pre-attentives objects", which will be part of real objects present in the scene. The chance of dealing with dynamic environments can be done including a moving objects tracking mecanism implemented above the same combinatorial pyramid used to the detection of inportant objects. In the end, the computational homology could allow an efficient representation of the objects of interest (in particular shaping their correspondings topological centered skeletons) facing to grasping.

Universidad de Sevilla - ETS Ingeniería Informática - Avenida Reina Mercedes, s/n - 41012 Sevilla - Teléfono: +34-954556921 - Fax: +34-954557878