
Anton D. BARANOV Model subspaces of the Hardy space.
Alexei POLTORATSKI Completeness of families of exponential functions in L2-spaces.
Serguei SHIMORIN Shift invariant subspaces in Bergman spaces.
Alexander VOLBERG Bellman function, weights and singular integrals.


Manuel GONZÁLEZ Perturbation classes for semi-Fredholm operators
Håkan HEDENMALM Heisenberg uniqueness problems and partial differential equations
Nikolai NIKOLSKI Trace Algebras, and Effective Matrix Inversions

Contributed talks

Yacin AMEUR On the Coulomb plasma
Yuri BELOV Discrete Hilbert transform on sparse sequences
Roman BESSONOV Bounded symbols of truncated Toeplitz operators
Francisco CANTO MARTÍN A non-weak-star dense subspace of L&infin(R)
Arturo FERNÁNDEZ ARIAS On the value distribution of meromorphic functions in the punctured plane
Amadeo Xavier IRIGOYEN A criterion for the explicit reconstruction of a holomorphic function from its restrictions on lines
Vitaly KIM Completeness of translates of entire functions and hypercyclic operators
Issam LOUHICHI Roots and commutativity of Toeplitz operators on The Bergman space
Anders OLOFSSON On the shift semigroup on the Hardy space of Dirichlet series
Jan-Fredrik OLSEN Sampling and interpolating sequences in de Branges spaces
Philippe POULIN Weighted Paley-Wiener Spaces
Andreea SARAFOLEANU Eigenfunctions of generalized Hilbert matrices
Edgar TCHOUNDJA Hankel operators with Lipschitz symbols in the unit ball
Dmitry YAKUBOVICH Spectral properties of a class of nonselfadjoint operators with real spectrum and Krein and Cartwright classes of entire functions